Thursday, November 8, 2012

NZ Bellbird: Endangered NZ

Some of the things that threaten the Bellbird are stoats, wasps, cats, weasels and rats. They threaten the Bellbird by either hunting the bird, eating their eggs or stealing their food. The Bellbird has adapted really well to the environmental changes and towards its predators which puts the Bellbird in a 'safe' condition and far from extinction. A major threat to the Bellbird's distribution was when the European settlers first arrived on New Zealand and introduced European style farming which led to the removal of the native forests in which the Bellbirds live.

In order to prevent the Bellbird from becoming extinct, we may be able to prevent stoats or other land predators from getting to them by creating a sanctuary for them however their extinction day is still a very long way to go. There isn't much help needed to save the Bellbird because of its commonality but putting Bellbirds in a sanctuary for other endangered animals such as the kiwi will save them from most predators and competition.

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